Today i.e., On 14th April 2021 Sri Sharup das Gupta working in Indonex Health analytics and Sri Abhimanyu das gupta co ordinator in Aghakhan academy Hyderabad, given 30 dual charging emergency lights to old age home costing about Rs 30000/ . Sri P V Ramanaiah, GNS Prasad and family attend the programme.
In an another program on 14th march 2021 itself, T Mukunda Rao and P.V.Ramanaiah handed over Rs 8000/ value of daily needs coconut oil, soaps, pens, pastes, detergents, shampoos , Rajma (Protien food ) to Laalana Welfare organisation (Orphanage home having 35 Girls ) with the financial help of one of our senior member (Gupta daanam) .
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